
One of my classmates at seminary died unexpectedly today.  A young man (well, younger than I), a veteran of the Bosnian Conflict, a Buddhist, and son, Rich was just in Japan about a month ago where he married his love.  His plans for the future included bringing a handful of family and friends to Japan to do the wedding in a tuxedo and white gown in June.  He was so excited—he glowed!  I only knew him briefly, but his presence touched my heart.  There is a profound sense of loss within our seminary community today.  

Oh holy presence, you gifted us with Rich.  Some had the opportunity to know him well, others, like me, were just beginning to get to know him.  Be with us all in our grief.  Let us rest our sad heads upon each other’s shoulders and weep as we need, knowing that in those embraces you are there, holding us and consoling us as well.  Amen.

Lost and Found

After nearly a week of searching, the ring has been found!  Since its loss I have been waking up each morning with sadness.  It is his class ring—a “one of a kind,” designed by a classmate for a single year’s distribution.  Somehow, it had fallen to the bottom of his backpack, a relief, when we thought it may have ended up at the uniform cleaner.  I feel a little like the woman with the lost and found coin.  Is a celebration in order?  In my heart, it is happening.  I am so relieved.  

Dear God, losing something that holds memories can be significant, even when “things” should not be held in place of relationships.  But this “thing” is a daily reminder of relationships with people who bonded together in a unique school environment, each tapping their personal resources to create the art that was given to them.  A quirky bunch, they held one another up, supported one another in their journeys of discovering their identities in the world and cheered one another through their many endeavors creating art while learning how to become young adults in the world.  I, as a mom, am so thankful for the opportunities presented at Perpich Center for Arts Education, for the talents you, dear God, have blessed these people with.  Thank you for helping so many young people who felt lost, be found.  Amen.

Lost, misplaced or stolen?

 It’s been a unique week around here.  A lost ring, a malfunctioning computer, and misplaced tickets to tonight’s concert all happened (directly or indirectly) to the one celebrating his birthday today.  Add to this an overwhelming end of the semester load and work hours cut and you’d think he would be at the brink.  In his way, he is, but he’s not like anyone I know.  He takes it in his own way…greatly irritated, frustrated and mad, for a moment or maybe an hour.  I’m sure he has emotions swirling inside him that I don’t see, but, unlike many, he bears his burdens with, I don’t know what exactly.  Perhaps grace?  My dear God, I am so thankful for our son, Ray.  He truly is my ray of sunshine, even if he rolls his eyes when I say it.  Bless him on his journey.  Feed him with mystery.  Grant him bountiful creativity.  Prepare him for success.  Amen.

How do I pray?

I was asked today how I pray.  Do I kneel; have a special spot in our home or a certain time that I set aside?  I answered “no” to each of these scenarios.  Not that they never happen, they just aren't a part of my regular practice.  I continued by explaining that I feel like I am in the presence of God all the time and that I am in relationship always, so though I sometimes have petitions, I often pray what I am feeling as I am living.  There are enough situations each day that can lead me to prayer, sending me, figuratively, to my knees, but most of the time I just want to seek God in life, and if I enter into each day, open to that expectation, I live my life in nearly constant prayer.  In other words, life is a prayer. 

Dear God, you have given me a unique understanding of my relationship with you.  I have learned to trust this relationship as one that is ever present.  I can be my authentic self and know that you will always be with me and accept each of the facets of my personality.  I am incredibly thankful.  Amen.

Spring has Sprung!

Let the celebration of Spring begin!  ‘Hallelujahs’ and ‘Thanks be to Gods’ have been shouted all day by those of us in Minnesota who have had what has been dubbed the never-ending Winter of 2013.  Open windows, kids playing outside in shorts, bike riding, walking, running, and SMILING people!  A full day of sunshine does wonders!  Praise you, Dear Lord, for the sunshine and the full moon, the budding trees and the sprouting plants.  Help the transformation from winter spring us into fresh expressions of life.  Thanks be to you for the brightness and warmth of this day.  Amen.  

Skydiving: A Haiku

Purposeful pressure
falling, tumbling, down...down.
Stopped only by cloth.

Supported, guided,
twisting with the current. Down.
Desert sand glowing.

Freedom. Risk. Beauty.
Unexpected silence. Down.
Drifting and turning.

River, mountains, lake,
city in the distance. Down.
The earth grows closer.

Trust. Love. Faith. Hope. TRUST.
Time stood still in the silence.
Landing in the sand.

Released fear, spirit
God sees the world from there.
And now I am free.