
One of my classmates at seminary died unexpectedly today.  A young man (well, younger than I), a veteran of the Bosnian Conflict, a Buddhist, and son, Rich was just in Japan about a month ago where he married his love.  His plans for the future included bringing a handful of family and friends to Japan to do the wedding in a tuxedo and white gown in June.  He was so excited—he glowed!  I only knew him briefly, but his presence touched my heart.  There is a profound sense of loss within our seminary community today.  

Oh holy presence, you gifted us with Rich.  Some had the opportunity to know him well, others, like me, were just beginning to get to know him.  Be with us all in our grief.  Let us rest our sad heads upon each other’s shoulders and weep as we need, knowing that in those embraces you are there, holding us and consoling us as well.  Amen.