Questions. Lots and lots of questions.

The world is so difficult sometimes.  Being a person with faith in a Triune God, watching the world, living to live, trying to embrace the difficulties held in God's hands and still do we do this?  How do we struggle with the battles of race, mental illness, hate, hunger, emptiness, loneliness, homelessness and injustice when we are so often just trying to figure out how to live each day, to find who we are in this world, for the world and for God?  How do we figure out what it is that we are to do to live in community, in faith, in times of war and oppression?  How can we be everything for everyone or at least learn compassion towards others, especially when we don’t fully understand their story?

Our world is so difficult right now.  It is different than at other times.  We watch and read and listen about racial issues near St. Louis, of warring in Gaza, Iran, Iraq—wars between tribes and nations, of industries attempting to change the locations of their headquarters, of celebrities and common folk completing suicide, of job insecurity, food insecurity, housing insecurity.  How can we find solace, how can we feel secure?
The world is so big.  We are each so small.  How can we make a difference beyond our sphere of people, our limited, yet specific, knowledge, or our homes?  Is our purpose on this earth at this time easy to decipher?  How can we know?

I’m thinking of a song: 

These words, these harmonies, have haunted me for years.  They speak of living.  They speak of living a life with God.  They speak of how these things sometime collide.  Just like the world right now.  We are colliding: with one another, with other countries, with other tribes, and yes, with ourselves. 

And how do we deal with the effects of these collisions?  How do we reconcile the world with our faith?  How do we DEFINE our faith?  Do we consider Micah 6:8 our call?  And if we do, are we open to the prayer in Psalm 139:23?  And then, do we act accordingly?

I don’t know the answers.  These are difficult times.  Our world is coming apart in many ways, but if we spend time on our knees, praying for our world, perhaps God will help us put the world back together again, if only within ourselves, so that we can become whole and holy people, and live more fully our titles of Children of God.

Please God, be with us.