"...and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:8
Justice. Love Kindly. Walk Humbly.
This is my journey.
The path is not straight.
The road is not smooth.
It is a tour of grace.
This is my call.
The voice becomes clearer.
The sound grows louder.
It is a voice to heed.
This journey
Began as a crawl
Became a walk
It is now a run.
This call
Began as a whisper
Became static as I aged
It is now a clear voice.
This is my purpose.
To do justice
To love kindly
To walk humbly.
A call to action,
The journey becomes a destination.
A journey for humanity,
The call becomes life.