Puppies and kitties, ice cream and popcorn, spouses and lovers...

I love that so many people are posting the things for which they are thankful.  They are counting their blessings, paying attention to what is most important, creating an environment of giving and receiving in one of the most intimate ways.  I know that it is a November kind of a thing, but I really hope that the 30-days-to-a-habit helps them to continue their gratitude journals in some form or another.  And yes, being thankful for a bowl of ice cream with cashews and chocolate sauce counts!

Dear Holy One, so many people have so many things to be thankful for.  You are the provider of all things, and it is to you we give thanks.  Keep us mindful, as we list our thanksgivings, of those who are in need: for those in the Philippines and those who wait for word from their loved ones, for the homeless, for the hungry, for the trafficked, for the sick, the friendless and the needy.  Help us to give where we can in ways that glorify your Holy Name.  Amen.