A brief stop on the journey

I feel like this is the first time I have stopped to listen since my last post.  So much of my creative energy was put into the sermon I offered this past Sunday (see the column to the right to read it).  It was a lot of work because it was a complicated Gospel, so the time I spent working on it was like researching for a paper, more than other sermons.  It didn't come easy. 

This week I need to take time to focus on a couple of specific learning opportunities.  Tonight we talked about the Holocaust in my Judaism class.  Friday I will be attending a web cast about racism.  These are tough things to think about, but oh so necessary. 

In the meantime, I think I’ll try to rest, cuddle under the electric blanket and sleep until morning.  My mind can take some time off.  My emotions can rest.  My body can rejuvenate.  The questions and insights will come soon enough.

Dear God of all, you are the giver of Life.  Thank you for all the blessings of this life, for all the learning opportunities to grow, and for the people who journey along the way.  Be with those who mourn this night.  Heal those who had surgeries this week.  Keep hunters safe and bring them home to those who love them.  All thanks to you.  Amen.