
I was told today that I am beautiful.  These are not words I take lightly, nor are they words I give freely, so to receive them from someone I had just met was an incredible gift.  I have learned that the best response to flattery is simply to say, “Thank you!”  And so I did.  I did not doubt or question it internally, and I also did not allow my ego to blow up, even though it may seem like that is what I am doing here. 

I tell this story because I think we often forget the impact a few words can make on someone.  So many comments made about and to others are negative, and we begin to believe the negativity we are fed.  To have someone pay a complement, unexpected, unsolicited and sincere can change the outlook of both the giver and receiver.  It was different than a hug.  It was different because it was from a near stranger.  It was special because it was different.  Perhaps when I look in the mirror tonight as I wash my face and brush my teeth I will see what she saw. 

Perhaps, the next time I see beauty in someone I will tell them.

Dear God, a complement, a few simple words, made an impact in the way I looked at the world for a few hours.  Someone gave me the opportunity to feel special, and I am thankful.  Let me see more beauty in others and in the world around me.  Give me confidence to tell others about the beauty I see within them and around them.  Thank you for giving me this person on this day with this gift.  Amen.