It was a nice afternoon and evening with almost all of my family. Missing only three nieces on both sides, we gathered together at my brother's and his wife's house to celebrate. This is the prayer I offered at our table:
O Holy One,
As we gather together we thank you for this
bounty, for the people who surround us here.
We thank you for those who fill our hearts and minds with memories, joy,
and love. We humbly ask you to remind us
that there are many others who are not as fortunate as we, who are alone, who
are struggling with addiction, homelessness or food insecurity. Open our hearts to the many who suffer any
kind of grief or sorrow. While we enjoy
this meal, we give thanks for the hands that prepared it, for the ones who
opened their doors to us, for those who will clean up. To you, O Holy One, we give the greatest
thanks. Amen.