Rejoicing in a time of pain.

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us give thanks and rejoice.

Those are some difficult words today.  How can one family be thankful when their day began with a major cat scratch on the eyelid, causing serious damage to the lid and serious skin glue work from the doctors?  And then their van breaks down for at least the third time and needs to be towed?  Last, one of their bicycles was stolen?  And how about another friend whose iphone was stolen from her business (and the thief caught on tape)?  What about the bank robbery at our local Cub Foods TCF branch?  Then there’s an elderly woman who has been taking care of her husband (who has Alzheimer’s and is living in a nursing home) for the past seven years and is experiencing severe exhaustion?  How about those South Dakota ranchers and farmers who have lost significant numbers of their livestock and are feeling ignored and neglected by the government?

Let me tell you how.  By focusing on all that is good in life.  Like the successful surgery today for the little boy we all have been praying for these past few days.  By eating ice cream and finding joy in little things.  By experiencing a beautiful sunrise (there were so many photos today!).  Watching the Lynx win!  In hearing that another thief and destroyer of property was captured and charged with his crime.  Especially, though, through spending time with friends, family and colleagues, who love and support, laugh and cry, pray and pray and pray even in the midst of fear, sorrow and anger.  Trusting in our God, who made this day and through it, reminds us of the ever-presence of the Holy, especially when things seem so insecure and frightening.

O God, my complaints seem so mild when I pay attention to the many, many negative, sad and frightening things others experience.  Thank you for reminding me, through the words of a victim, that all that we experience is relative to our own lives and even though our own complaints seem minor in comparison, they are still struggles that need attention.  Thank you, also, for placing little and large miracles in my path, especially for the successful surgery for a little boy in a bed.  This IS the day you have made!  I will find reasons to rejoice, especially when it’s hard.  All praise and awe for your gifts.  Amen.