Stop, Look and Listen

“We often hear God's voice through one another. Perhaps someone who knows us well speaks just the word we need to hear in a way we can grasp. Perhaps a complete stranger appears at a crucial moment with a word of encouragement, guidance, or warning. Although most of us are unaware of being used as vehicles of grace for others, God surrounds us with personal messengers every day.”
---Marjorie J. Thompson. Soul Feast: An Invitation to the Christian Spiritual Life (Kindle Locations 584-586). Kindle Edition.

There are times when we just plain need to stop, turn off all the distracting devices, and talk to people.  We spend so much time relying on impersonal communication styles, experiencing moments of miscommunication or not giving full attention and relationships suffer.  We blame our busy-ness, our intense schedules, being pulled in multiple directions and our weariness for our lack of ability to really connect. 

We have to stop.

We need to stop.

God speaks through so many people in our lives and, like the wife of the adult Peter in the film, Hook, says, “You’re missing it.” 

I’m just as guilty.  I’m probably one of the worst offenders, actually.  When I stop and look in the face of another and listen to the whole of the communication, I become enrapt in the stories and able to participate more fully in what a gift these moments are.  When I stop, I gain much more insight into the way God is speaking to me.  And these encounters with people, both strangers and beloveds and everyone in between, are moments of conversation with God.

Dear Heavenly One, be with us as we do the business at the convention of the Episcopal Church in Minnesota.  Be ever present as relationships are developed and fostered in this family reunion of sorts.  Help us experience your love through the many conversations, hugs and prayers.  Amen.