
It’s hard to believe that it’s been 12 years since the attack on U.S. soil took so many lives and left so many of us staring in disbelief at our television screens as we watched planes used as weapons and towers collapse and holes left in the Pentagon and heard the last phone calls of those heroes who prevented another plane from doing more damage than it did that day in the field.  All those years ago and I still remember the frantic phone call from my mom to turn on the television.  Alone, I watched the second plane collide with the second tower and sat in shock as I watched the towers crumble to the ground. 

I wanted to know where all my family was.  I wanted to rush to the school and find my children to hold them and protect them.  I wanted to bring everyone home, thinking I could keep them safe.  But there was nothing I could do but let tears fall down my cheeks.  And pray.

The world changed that day.  Innocence was lost.  Freedoms were threatened.  Men and women changed the course of their life and enlisted to protect the country and their corners of the world.  Veterans signed up if they could while others lamented that they could not.  We hugged our children tighter those nights and called our parents, children and siblings to tell them we love them.
Each year that passes we say we will never forget.  But each year the ache lessens, at least for me, and the memory of that day hides behind a veil that gets thicker as the years go on.  Until I see a video or a picture.  Then, my stomach lurches and I fight tears because the memory brings me back to a place where I felt out of control, at a loss, afraid and lonely.  There are only a few days like this one that bring such strong emotions up out of the depth of my memory and cause me to pause, think, remember and pray.

Dear Heavenly Father, I ask you today to be with the families of the victims of the 9/11 attacks.  In all reality, we are all victims of that attack, so I ask you to cover all of us with your penetrating, enduring love.  I also ask for your loving kindness upon all those who took risks to help others, who were the heroes that day.  Help them through their vivid memories.  And Lord, I ask for your guiding hand upon all the leaders who are making decisions regarding Syria.  Keep us safe during this time of uncertainty.  Amen.