“Some settling may occur”

I don’t know why exactly this particular phrase came to mind this morning, but it did.  It made me think of cereal or crackers in a bag in a box at the store.  The box nearly always seems too big for the product inside.  To explain this phenomenon, manufacturers added to the packaging, “Some settling may occur.”  The weight of the food remained the same; it just didn’t look like the box was full. 

“Some settling may occur.”  I wonder what that phrase has to do with life.
Right now I feel like my box is overflowing.  Schedules are changing, responsibilities are changing, the level of being busy is changing.  School began and it feels like very little was removed from my box, so I’m overflowing.  Soon, I suspect, some settling may occur.  Routines will be established, delegating some of the household “stuff” will be successful, and perhaps instead of adding more meetings, I will be able to replace some, maintaining some sort of balance. 

I hope that emotionally some settling may occur as well.  With changes come stress, weariness and anxiety.  An “out of control” feeling lends itself to panic that there’s too much of everything demanding my time.  Once I figure out how it can all fit together, learning which pieces fit best together, some settling may occur.  It will take a bit of time to become grounded and comfortable with the new routine.

So how I approach the weight of my world, how I allow myself to allow some settling to occur, is important.  I know the package is full.  I know because I’m the one who packed it.  And it is up to me to open the package to both remove some of the contents and to add to the contents, hopefully in appropriate measure.  Because through it all, I don’t want to settle for too much or too little, like Goldilocks, I want the settling to occur “just right.”

O God of all that is good, be with those who suffer from over-extension, from doing too much with too little.  Help them to find a way to allow some settling to occur in their lives, to find balance as they load their package, filling it with the things that give the most nourishment and satisfaction to live the life you have so graciously given.  Amen.