I slept until noon today.
My body was heavy, my eyes sandy and I slept. I must have needed to rejuvenate to prepare
for the next things on the list. It’s
time to start packing my mother-in-law for her move at the end of the
month. It’s time to buy books for the
next semester. It’s time to get a
newsletter researched and written. It’s
time to deep clean the house. It’s time
to catch up on laundry. It’s time to live
the last weeks of summer and find moments of respite and joy. We did that tonight with a family dinner at a
local restaurant, sitting outside on their sidewalk, enjoying one of the few
nights together.
Dear God, Thank you for the extra rest today. Thank you for the beautiful weather this
evening. Thanks for another movie time
with my daughter. Help these moments
bubble up from my memory when I’m feeling overwhelmed and the list gets
long. Amen.