The process of processing

I've been too busy to devote significant time to processing the mission trip, but throughout each of the past few days I've caught moments, glimpses if you will, of memories that still direct my emotions.  Tears well up unexpectedly, emotions gurgle throughout my body wanting to escape, but are often subdued within.  The time is not yet ripe.  There are not enough hours for free writing yet.  There are edges that need to be molded so the sharpness can become less rigid, offering a broader understanding in some cases and a narrower one in others.  How can I put all the pieces together when my view was so broad and not narrowed by task or made intimate in individual relationships?  I did not re-roof a house or teach vacation Bible school.  I was not immersed in a single job, but encountered moments in all of them.  I observed, listened and drew in the stories as if I was breathing them into my lungs and sending the oxygen of them throughout my veins, leaving remnants behind, forever a part of my internal functions.  The time will come when I have more clarity…or not.  Perhaps it is just a matter of having time to let the memories and ideas and joys and sorrows find their own expression through my words.  Perhaps I’m not supposed to let them go just yet because what they are teaching me needs more time.  But I wonder how much I will be able to release and how much will remain within me forever, ever reminding me.

All will be revealed in God’s time.  It is the only way I will be able to process so many emotions and experiences.  I trust in you, God, that the memories that need to remain, for whatever reason, will remain, and that those I need to release, will be released.  Help me to find the words to express the spectrum of emotions and focus on those that are integral for strengthening me in ministry.  In You I put my trust, dear God.  Amen.