Preparing for a mission trip

Hearts:  open.
Prayers:  evermore filled with praise, hope and awe.
Minds:  filled with lists of things to do and people to see.
Souls:  awaiting abundant grace.
Bodies:  in need of rest, in expectation for exhaustion.
2 pounds of breakfast sausage: browned.
3+ pounds of Italian sausage: browned.
10 pounds of ground beef: nearly all browned.
Pork loins and chicken breasts: packaged.
About a third of the groceries: purchased.
2/3 of the groceries: to be purchased tomorrow.
Packing: barely begun.
Laundry: in piles to be washed.

We leave on Saturday morning for our mission trip to work with the White Earth enrollees living on the Leech Lake Reservation. To do Vacation Bible School. To pound nails. To build relationships.

Pray for us, think on these things, send love and compassion to those who work to help others and for the others who need assistance.