Keeping the Sabbath

I am finding the importance of finding moments of Sabbath in each day because finding a whole day to devote to Sabbath rest just does not seem like a realistic goal at this time in my life.  Seeking out time within the mad rush of life is one way to approach Sabbath.  Another is to look back upon the day to see where these moments occurred, with or without active knowledge.  Sure, Sabbath is taking a break from the monotony or busy-ness or business of living life, but it does not mean sitting in the still silence—at least not always.  For me, cooking and baking can be forms of Sabbath.  A nap, some quiet time doing something with or without anyone that brings me joy or meditation or peace may also be a form of Sabbath.  It is often more a mindset for me.  Sensing peacefulness within my being, breathing calmly and focusing on all that is good in my life can often fill me more completely than taking a day without doing anything (though I like those too!).
Oh Giver of Sabbath, help me to remember that you are present and available always to join with me in moments, hours or days of Sabbath.  Keep me mindful, as I go through my days, especially those days that cause doubts and fears and longings, that in you I can find peace.  Amen.