
How many steps do we need to take to reach a goal?  How many are we willing to take?  When is the journey more important than the goal?

Our daughter has a cupcake recipe that she’s made once before.  It’s quite complex, with four steps that each have multiple steps.  
1.  Putting together the cupcake batter & baking.  
2.  Making a filling, chilling & filling.  
3.  Preparing a ganache, cooling & glazing.  
4.  Blending frosting ingredients & frosting.  
Now, I love to bake, but I generally draw the line at three steps.  This type of thing generally is too time-consuming.  And to be honest, making cupcakes is even too putsy for me!  Give me a request for a 9x13 homemade cake, and I’ll run with it! 

I have to say that these cupcakes are some of the tastiest I have ever eaten.  And when she made them before, she did it without my help, so I know she can do this.  But being able to help her and, even more important, her wanting my help, was a journey I enjoyed taking; even when we had to do step 2 twice because of a substitution error. We worked well together and learned more about our styles in the kitchen—tips she’s gleaned from watching me (yes!  She’s paid attention all these years!  J ).  All and all, I was willing to take a few extra steps because the journey was so much bigger than the cupcakes themselves.

Dear God, You know the joy of being with your children.  I was able to experience some of that joy today and I am very satisfied and filled with joy.  Thank you for giving each of us the desire to work together for the benefit of others (the cupcakes are for her classmates—not even for us!!).  Let her see the delight on the faces of her friends when they eat this treat so lovingly made by her.  Amen.