Jumping In

I've been waiting for my summer intensive class to begin.  Today was the day!  It’s a class about Episcopal Worship, where we will become more familiar with the theology of our liturgy.  I had a different expectation for the class.  I was expecting more training towards how to do liturgical ‘things’ at the altar, so I was surprised a bit when I found out it is more about the theology and history of the liturgy.  It’s fascinating stuff.

Because it is a class that only meets four days a week for three weeks, it’s intense.  The daily homework is significant.  I was only partially prepared for this part.  Now, I navigate.  How do I get it all done?  With the help of the people I live with, for one.  They will take on some of my responsibilities so I can focus on school for these few weeks.  They will give me space and quiet so I can read and write as I need.  They will let me bow out of other activities when I need.  But I won’t want to give up everything to stay focused on this class.  I need to be a participant in the life of my family and my friends.  Graduation parties and shopping for our daughter’s upcoming trip to Costa Rica are priorities.  So while I have the support to focus, I have to live life and BE.

Heavenly Father, life can sometime be intense.  Choosing an intense schedule is very different from having life become overwhelming without notice.  It is important to understand the impact of choice in these moments in life.  Teach us to balance…to choose moments of Sabbath within chaos, to choose family within studies and work, to choose prayer and worship within daily tasks and chores.  Grant us the ability to find peace in intensity, lingering quietly within your arms.  Amen.