Spending Saturday in a Meeting

I spent the middle of the day (10-3) doing some of the work of the Episcopal Church in Minnesota.  We spend the first part of our day doing Gospel Based Discipleship, where we read a section of scripture and talk about what words or phrases jump out at us.  We do this three times, reading different interpretations of the Bible to try to understand the text more completely.  Being a Church that is working hard to base itself in mission, many of the texts chosen for these meetings are about being sent out into the world to do the work of the Holy.  It is interesting to learn how others view the texts and to see how their insights affect mine, and mine, theirs.  It is another way we work together, learning about the skills and talents we bring to this elected body of the Church.  For now, this will be my last meeting with this group, as my term will end at Convention in September.  I still have work to do until then, but this particular group will not meet again until my term has ended. 

I consider these five years as a Delegate and one year as a member of Council as an integral part of my education.  The work that is done for the good of the Episcopal Church in MN, often without the knowledge of many of the people in the pews, takes time, energy, prayer and working together.  I value this experience as it prepares me in ways seminary cannot, with the people, in the trenches, doing ‘business’ for the purpose of ‘ministry and mission.’
Dear Great Convener, you bring people together to do your work in the world.  We try hard to work together for the benefit of many…and for the benefit of few.  We pray that we are efficiently meeting the business needs so that the spiritual, missional and ministerial needs can take a greater role.  Thank you for these people who are looking forward to and who are looking out for all the good work we can do to fulfill your will in the world.  Amen.