Little Miracles

Some days it is hard to find them.  Other days they are so in your face you cannot deny their existence.  Yet other days they seem utterly missing.  Today, I had a hard time seeing them through the fog in my eyes, the damper on my soul, the exhaustion in my body, but I know they were there.  If I pay attention, they were in the many messages of hope in creation through sermons given in class, in group projects presented, in an uninterrupted nap, in relaxing time with the one I love.  It would be easy to dwell in the gutter of my emotions today, but I know that that was a temporary state of mind and body and spirit, and thankfully, most people who know me, also know that how I felt today was more out of character than in character.  

Dear Lover of Souls, your presence even in my dismay is evident.  You place people, time and moments in my path to remind me that there is much more to be thankful for than frustrated about.  Mini gifts, little miracles—chocolate covered raisins, affirmation from a couple instructors, a knowing glance from a friend, and the comfort of cold sheets for an afternoon nap—are welcomed moments in an odd day.  Thank you.  Amen.