Looking Forward

It’s that time of the semester again.  Time to finish group projects and papers…thankfully, no exams this time around!  Time to figure out what next year’s academic life will look like.  I’m bemoaning the fact that most of the classes I either need or want are all being offered on Tuesdays this fall.  I’m going to have to refrain from 13 hour days of filling my head with seminary education.  Instead, I’ll only take two classes on Tuesdays with a six hour break between them and one on Thursday afternoons.  And my internship, of course!  

Oh Great Educator, thank you for the problem of too many options, too many opportunities and too many ways to know you more fully!  Each time I enter new classes I am nervous, but seem to come out at the end more satisfied, more confident and more prepared.  I am thankful!  Be with those who struggle with learning, with finances and with keeping up with coursework.  Fill us all with your love and patience.  Amen.