Embracing Lent

One of the things I have found hard to do when Lent comes around is to give something up.  First trying to figure out what I’m willing to give up; then trying to determine what the point of this particular denial is.  Would giving something up really change my relationship with God?
If changing my relationship with God is the goal during the Lenten season, wouldn't it be better to find ways to engage with God and for God?  Wouldn't intentionally devoting time to God make more sense?  If giving something up would help me make more time to be in and for relationship with God, then, yes, giving something up would matter.  But giving something up to deny myself some kind of pleasure may not mean as much.

I’d rather add something to my life of faith during these few weeks of Lent.  Thirty days makes a habit.  Imagine what changes I can experience during these forty!  Creating space in my day for contemplative time with God, writing in my blog, participating in activities that help me see God in new ways, reinterpreting my place in this world, praying, singing, worshiping more often and in more restorative ways, these are ways that I will embrace Lent.