
I found a Christian radio station last week that was still playing Christmas music.  Not all the time, but interspersed with other music.  It made me smile.  There is a radio station that is acknowledging the twelve days of Christmas, and is bringing that joy into our lives, reminding us that after all the hustle and bustle and busy-ness of December, preparing for the birth of the Christ Child, the celebration is not yet over.  We have until January 6th to contemplate the Gift, enjoy the lights, smells and sounds of the season.  For some of us, there is still time to get our Christmas greeting put together and in the mail—and it still isn't “late.”

I like to keep the cards hanging on the closet door for as long as I can.  I like having the pictures of family and friends smiling at me when I get to the top of the stairs.  Even if the rest of the decorations will soon return to their boxes in the closet, those stay up a little bit longer, inviting me into their lives, bringing me closer, providing me a constant reminder that we are loved.

These cards and photos can also provide the beginning of a resolution for the New Year.  Instead of giving something up or trying to change a not-so-good habit, why not take those cards and pray for those who sent them?  Each day take one card and spend a few minutes thinking about your relationship with the sender.  Pray for them.  Ask God to bless them on this day and every day.  If you know of something they especially need prayers for, offer them.  If you don’t know where to start, simply close your eyes and breathe in their name and breathe out words like peace, joy, love, kindness, hope, healing and thanks.

When you have gone through the whole pile of cards, find another source—your Facebook friends, your classmates from bygone days, your extended family, those you didn't hear from with a beautiful card or photo, and your faith community family.

I wish you a prayer-filled 2014!