Getting into the routine is sometimes easier than we
think. Changing bedtimes so that earlier
wake times become routine is one that is more difficult for me. Getting ready for a new schedule to begin
next week, I am trying to find some moments of “me” time, but there must still
be moments of “we” time. We still have
work to do—we still have a house to maintain and a family to keep on
track. We need time together as much as
we need time apart to make the routine, well, routine. It’s relearning how to create balance between
what must be done for all our responsibilities, those which have been on
vacation for a couple of months as well as those that never end, and what must
be done to maintain our relationships with our loved ones—friends and
family. Sometimes the scale tips more on
one side than the other. It’s important
to change the weights every so often to have an accurate measure of life.
O God, you gave us so many opportunities to do so many
things in these lives you also have given us.
Help us to look to you to find balance between work, volunteerism,
school and relationships. Guide us
towards the “right” emphasis on the “right” things at the “right” time. Help us forgive ourselves when we cannot do
it all “right.” Help others forgive us
when what we decide is “right” for us does not measure on their scale of what
is “right” for that relationship. We
know we will fall short of expectations.
Help us to keep our hearts, minds and souls in relationship with you,
for you are our strength and our redeemer.