What's in your language?

A friend of mine used the word “challenges” to describe what she was mentally preparing to experience this upcoming week.  I use that word often and try to use it as a descriptor for something that was “challenging” rather than something I expect to happen in the future.  It has taken a long time for me to try to work positive words into my vocabulary rather than those that portend “doom” or negative expectations.  My friend’s use of the word “challenges” made me think a little harder about how I use words and how I try so very hard to maintain an “upside” attitude.  I hope I am successful for the most part.  I know this upcoming week will be very full and my emotional well-being will be put to the test, especially if I do not get enough rest, there will be challenges that I will need to overcome.  I could, instead, say, I’m really excited to approach this week because I get to watch our daughter play tennis and march at the State Fair as well as helping someone who needs help and learning more about my upcoming internship!  Opportunities abound this week and if I think of them in positive ways, I just may be more apt to experience them with a positive outlook.  It’s worth a try!

Dear God, I thank you for pointing out to me the importance of using positive language.  My attitude and expectations are affected by my self-talk, and it is good to be reminded that I have control of the way I talk and of my attitude.  Those are about the only things I can control, so it is often good to have subtle reminders!  Help me find the positive when I begin to lose my perspective.  Amen.