Road trip, part 3: Springfield, Illinois

Here we are at 8:00, back in our room.  Jeff is snoring next to me, Erin is reading and I’m doing a little writing.  My foot is on ice, as I took a twisted tumble off a stair, and thought it best to elevate and ice to prevent any problems in the next few days.  We toured the Lincoln museum today.  What a beautiful exhibit.  It was nice to see that they didn't sugar-coat the history.  Lincoln was not a well-loved president by all of the people.  There were really negative political cartoons and many angry people who let their views be known.  In four years, Lincoln aged dramatically.  Walking through the exhibit, experiencing the Civil War stories, Lincoln’s assassination and final train ride back to Springfield was emotional. 

We seem to romanticize our larger-than-life leaders, hoping their legacy will remind us of all the good things accomplished during the time of their leadership.  Or, we vilify them and do the exact opposite.  We forget that they are humans and, just like the rest of us, can make poor decisions just as easily as good ones.  It’s too bad we focus only on one or the other instead of seeing the whole. 

Thank you for this day and these friends, O Holy One.  The friend we can have in history can educate and guide us, if only we look with wide open eyes and a broad view of the context of the story.  Help us discern from our history what we can and must do differently to make this country and world more peaceful and safe.  Amen.