Pella, Iowa is just the most ‘adorable’ little community with a quaint
downtown and a beautiful Central College.
We wandered around the campus and around town. We got to see the Klockenspel performance at
1:00 (I don’t even know how to explain this phenomenon) and have a nice
lunch. And sunburn. We bought some yummies at one of the famous
bakeries and meat and cheese at one of the meat markets for a couple lunches on
the road, then hit the pavement for about 4 ½ hours. We landed in Springfield, IL about 7:30 and
had another late dinner. Things I’ve
learned today: Sunscreen should not be
omitted from my daily routine. Trying to
solve major dilemmas while on a road trip can be enlightening and difficult at
the same time. Always bring a white
sheet to cover up with if you are sunburned and must ride on the sunny side of
the car. Getting to Springfield from
Pella is a pretty drive through both fields and hills, near rivers and communities
of about 400 people.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for a safe drive today. Thank you for the opportunity to talk through
some complicated stuff and for the patience to get through the emotions
accompanying the different ways to approach solutions. Help us to make good decisions, especially
when they affect someone else so significantly.
Help that person accept our help, understanding that what we are doing
is not in our best interest, but in that person’s. Grant us patience through the process. Amen.