think I will be able to sleep well tonight.
After all the debris clearing and a grad party, I’m pretty tired. We have some things to be very thankful for
after the last two storms. We have
power. The tree did not fall on anything
but the ground. We have great
neighbors. We have wonderful
friends. Hopefully, the incoming storm
will be so kind. Hopefully all those who
have lost power, some on the next street over, will not have to wait until the
predicted Wednesday to have it restored.
O Heavenly Father, please be with those who have had more to contend
with than we have. Please limit the
damage with tonight’s storm. Help us all
be good neighbors. Thank you for the reminder
that we do not have control. Bring us to
acceptance of our limitations and guide us as we let go and give it to
you. Thank you for keeping us safe and
whole. Amen.