A Never-ending List
to be thankful for: friends coming over
for dinner; a nice breeze and no rain while we ate on the deck; young people
coming over to hang out around the fire pit; a prayerful, praiseful, peaceful
evensong; rhubarb; smores; less expensive gas; tomorrow’s haircut; fresh fruit;
cats; birdsongs; the beginning of a night of rain; aging parents; children;
good books; education; love; laughter; hugs and kisses. The list could go on and on, and Lord, you
know there are so many things we can call blessings. Though I am swatting at mosquitoes, I am even
thankful for them because it means our summer will soon begin, that we are no
longer experiencing drought and that the grass will need to be mowed—providing a
little jingle in the pockets of one of our kids. Thank you for giving us so many ways to see
the good in creation! Amen.