Moving Forward Does Not Mean Moving On

After yesterday’s shocking news, I awoke today with an awareness that I still have to move forward, live life today and do what needed to be done.  That doesn’t mean I had to move on from shock, grief and sadness.  The depth of sorrow I was reading from classmates grounded me in community, even from the comfort of my home.  Recalling the tears and silence of yesterday, many wanted to ensure that they expressed love and appreciation to one another.  We were reminded that no one is promised today.  That the way we process grief is as individual as each of us.  Feeling relief knowing that Rich’s wife will be arriving from Japan soon eased some of my anxiety.  Learning of a special service to be held next week provides the opportunity to join together to just ‘be’ as a community experiencing loss.  

Dear Lord, this day was a gift where many learned how to articulate emotions, camaraderie, memories and community.  We found this at seminary.  We’ve made friends and have learned from one another, all because we were called to some sort of ministry and were led to this place to develop the skills needed to do the unique vocations designed for each of us.  The relationships we have developed are part of what we need to be effective leaders, pastors and teachers.  Thank you for giving us this place, this place where we are to become more than we were before walking through these holy doors.  Amen.