Being Connected

Surrounded by family today—that’s where I most experienced the connectedness of life.  Multiple generations around the table, eating, talking, laughing and enjoying being together. 

I've been reading about connectedness.  The way we can experience the intricacies and the hugeness of creation can bring us closer to understanding our individual impact on creation.  We all matter.  Every cell in our bodies, every transit connection within communities, every raindrop, every memory, and every moment matters. 

One of my friends died last week.  Her battle with cancer was too much for her body and she left this world to her heavenly place.  The impact she had on my life was through Bible study.  I didn't know her in any other context but church, and even that was limited because we worshiped at opposite services.  But she was an integral part of my maturing in faith, in finding my place, in teaching me ways to be a good mom and a good wife.  She fought her cancer fight quietly and often distanced herself from our community when things were roughest.  We missed her at those times and prayed for her. 

We supported her in the best ways we could when her son completed suicide.  We rejoiced when her daughter adopted and then was pregnant.  We bought pecans from her mom’s little church and listened to stories of the difficulties that parish faced in an ever shrinking community.

We were connected to her and to the people she loved because she loved us and we loved her.  She was an incredible gift to me and I will miss her.

I’m sure her family is gathered around a table these days, connecting and reconnecting, remembering and making new memories.  We will gather on Tuesday to say fare-thee-well, to pray for her soul and to embrace her family with words and arms and love.
Connectedness in this life through a mutual faith in the Holy gives me confidence that the connectedness in the next life will be ever bound.  Rest in peace, my friend.  You are with your God, and I hope you are getting to ask all those questions we could never find the answers for at Bible study.

O God of all, be with those who weep and mourn.  Fill the holes with your love.  Be with them as they struggle through grief and give them the space to heal in good time.  Help us remember.  In your name, dear Jesus.  Amen.