Unwrapping the greatest gift!

Reconnecting with a friend, visiting with a trusted confidante, heading back to seminary, preparing for another gathering of people who have known me most of my life—all these help me to reconnect with myself.  Who am I today?  Where have I been?  What have I learned?  How have I experienced the Holy in and among and within all I have done?  Where have I depended on myself when I needed to depend on God?  What have I left out, missed out, denied, buried or forgotten?  What has fed me in all aspects of being nourished:  mind, body and soul?  Where have I experienced joy, gratefulness, happiness and love?

What is done is done.  Tomorrow is another day, another series of moments where I can strive to do better, be better or be content with who I am and what I have done.  It is okay to be adequate in some places and excel in others.  It is in determining what gets which amount of my energy, attention and emphasis.  Remembering that each day is a gift from God and that how I unwrap, accept and use the gift is up to me.  With God’s help. 

Reconnecting with myself, my friends, my habits, my family all help me to reconnect with my God. 

Dear God, thank you for bringing people and situations into my life that help me understand myself more, to find satisfaction in what I have done and to let go of those things I am unable to do.  Help me to learn from those times—the positive reinforcement as well as the reminders that I can do more and be more as your child.  Provide me with moments of reconnection with others, with self and with you, for those moments remind me that I am in a greater community, and it is in that community that I am grounded in faith, reconciliation and love.  Amen.