Who Is In Control?

It’s raining again.  I think the gutters need to be cleaned out after all the seeds have dropped from the trees.  I’m sure the rain barrel is overflowing.  I heard on the radio that this is one of the wettest Mays on record.  I love rain!  The smell of mud and worms, of water comingling with leaves, grass and bark, is relaxing.  I like having little to do on rainy days.  It provides time with a book or newspaper to read, the chance to watch some television or take a nap.  There is a sense of renewal in rain.  At this time of the year, volunteer seedlings begin to pop out of the earth with the same confidence as the perennials.  I enjoy watching the sky light up with streaks of lightening and wait for the thunderous reply.  There is power in nature and a thunderstorm is a reminder that I am not in charge.  

Thank you for the rain, Giver of life!  With it we are humbled, for we are only spectators of the miracles of weather.  Keep us safe when the weather is dangerous, but give us enough curiosity to peek out the windows to see the most natural show.  And mostly, thank you for raising the temperatures so that we are not battling snow drifts and ice in May!  Amen.