It’s really easy to
just do things for ourselves, often because we know how we want it done, or know
it will be done when we want it done. At
other times it may mean we have to teach someone how to do the job, and there
simply doesn't seem to be enough time to train.
The problems that can emerge when we do things/tasks/jobs without
help/apprentices are significant. As a
mom it has been important to me to teach our kids how to do little things like
clean a bathroom, do dishes (from start to finish), run a vacuum, dust and do
laundry. I've done some cooking and
baking training, too. Now that we are
all so very busy, all these things need to be done with help—no one person
should be responsible for any one thing.
Families and households are not the only places folks need to ask for
help. Church communities, schools,
workplaces and community organizations cannot operate efficiently without
looking outward to the people to get appropriate help. Sometimes a sign-up sheet isn't enough and a
personal “ask” needs to occur for an activity or event to happen. Sometimes we don’t know what we can do to
help, or do not see the need. It takes
many people and their gifts to make things happen. How we work together, communicate with one
another and see the outcomes together will affect every nuance of life.
Dear Great Organizer, help us to see and
offer our gifts and talents. Help us see
even more clearly the needs of others and offer of ourselves. For you are the potter and we are the clay—mold
us into holy images of giving to others out of love. Amen.